StartUp Europe Smart Agrifood Summit


Thursday 28 / September / 2023


Inauguration ceremony

10:00 - 10:05 (5 minutes)

Introduction and Welcome

  • Presenter: Juan Francisco Delgado. Executive Vice President INTEC

10:05 - 10:15 (5 minutes)

Presentation of the Influencers of the agri-food sector

Entrepreneurs Represented by:

  • Iván Iglesias (Sensactive Technology)
  • Oksana Hrynevych (Agricolus)
Public Administration Represented by:

  • José Mª Penco.  Director of AEMO. Spanish Association of Olive Municipalities
  • Saúl del Amo. Ayuntamiento Almendralejo
Investors Represented by:

  • Jesús Alonso Gallo . Series inverter
  • Tomás Pérez. Noso Capital

Companies Represented by:

  • Francisco Muñoz. CEO Agroener
  • Miguel Hormigo  GMV

Universities: Represented by

  • Emma Crespo. Universidad Carlos 3 de Madrid
  • Mercedes Pérez.  Loyola University. Sevilla

10:15 - 10:30 (15 minutes)

Testimonials and past experiences

10:30 - 10:45 (15 minutes)

Expectations for SmartagrifoodSummit 24

10:45 - 10:55 (10 minutes)

Open Dialogue and Questions

10:55 - 11:00 (5 minutes)

Closure and Next Steps

Presenter and Team:

  • Pablo Fresnedo
  • Julia Cabrera

Brussels - Agriculture in the EU: The fight against climate change, prospects of drought and extreme temperatures for agriculture in Europe. 1-hour workshop focused on CAP reform, the Green Deal and climate change.


Presented and moderated by: Juan Francisco Delgado. Executive Vice President INTEC Foundation

  • Gregorio Davila. Deputy Head of Unit "Environmental Sustainability" en European Commission (DG AGRI)
  • Pedro Parias. Secretary-General  FERAGUA 
  • Mr Patrick Pagani of COPA-COGECA

Vigo.- Advances for the Blue Economy in Europe: Innovation in Blue Growth

Presented and Moderated by: Roberto Rodriguez. Blue Economy Coordinator INTEC Foundation

  • Ms Andreea Strachinescu. Head of Unit for Maritime Innovation, Marine Knowledge and Investment in DG MARE
  • Isabel Artime Secretary General of Fisheries Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food of the Government of Spain. 
  • Antonio Basanta. General Director of Fisheries of the Xunta de Galicia. (tbc)
  • Roberto Alonso. Secretary General of ANFACO-CECOPESCA
  • Basilio Otero.Representative of the Federación de Cofradías de Pescadores.
  • Adolfo Borrero. President of the Blue Economy Commission of AMETIC

Israel.-Agriculture and water: Workshop on the Israeli Agritech ecosystem and how to address water scarcity. The Israeli Agritech and Food Tech ecosystem harnesses innovation to address the challenges posed by climate change.


Presented and moderated by Claudia Múgica. Head of Foreign Trade and Innovation Israel Economic and Trade Mission to Spain

  • Tammy Meiron, Ph.D. Chief Technology Officer at Fresh Start FoodTech Incubator
  • Mr. David Zigdon. CEO of Migal Galilee Research Institute
  • Federico Atlasovich. Head of the Agro-Tech sector at the Israel Export Institute

London.- Innovation in Food : New markets, new proteins and opportunities for entrepreneurs and Startups:


  • David Hughes. Emeritus Professor Imperial College London " Emerging Consumer Trends"
  • Alberto Bernal. Minsait INDRA 

Innovation in the Agrifood ecosystem in Latin America: Climate change, extreme events and logistics


 Presented and moderated by: Juan Francisco Delgado. Executive Vice President INTEC Foundation

  • María José Elizarraras.Executive Secretary INNOVAGRO, IICA, Mexico
  • Vielka Melisa Rodríguez. Agricultural Economist. Coordinator of the Sustainable and Inclusive Agricultural Innovation Project (PIASI) IDIAP Panama.
  • Eugenia Saini . Executive Secretary of the Board of Directors FONTAGRO 
  • Sergio E. Feingold. Biotechnology Programme Coordinator. National Institute of Agricultural Technology. Argentina.
  • Paula Valencia . Banco Interamericano de Desarrollo (BID)
  • Sérgio Luiz dos Santos. Coordenador dos Ambientes de Innovacao APTA . Governo do Estado de São Paulo.Brasil 

Barcelona.- Innovation in 5G communications, data and Robotics at Agritech: 5G mobile technology, big data for sustainability, and robotics at Agritech and Food Tech

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  •  Joan Bonany. Fruit Researcher at IRTA
  • Fernando Ortega. Association of Agricultural Engineers Catalonia 
  • Jose Antonio González. Head of Digital Business, Telefónica South Zone. Member of the Steering Committee of the Association of Telecommunications Engineers of Western Andalusia (COITAOC)

Friday 29 / September / 2023


"Sustainable Agrosolutions: Best practices from leading industry innovators".


  • Mónica Andrés Enríquez, Executive Vicepresident Europe YARA Int   
  •  Gustavo Palerosi. SVP Europe Agricultural Solutions, BASF 
  • Jesús Alonso. Investor in Startups (x77), Entrepreneur (x4), Speaker
  • Javier Fernández. Director of the innovation centre "John Deere Parla Innovation Hub"

Landscape of innovation investment in the Agrifood sector".


Presented and moderated by Jordi Garcia. Director of Promotion of the Entrepreneurial Ecosystem in ENISA

The Netherlands:

  • Simon Maas. Agrifood Capital. 

United States:

  • Alvaro Jimenez. Founder Yunity Ventures. 


  • Ricardo Gómez. Mar Oceana
  • Tomás Pérez. Nosso Capital 

Webinar: "Technology in the Agri-food Chain in Europe: Advances in the practical applications of knowledge in the agri-food chain"


Presented and moderated by: Juan Francisco Delgado. Executive Vice President INTEC

  • Begoña Pérez Villareal. EIT Food Europe. 

Presentación de los Premios Global Food Innovation Awards

Open Innovation and Startups for Corporations in the agri-food sector.

Presented and moderated by: Juan Francisco Delgado. Executive Vice President INTEC        

  • Detlef Max Hoffmann. CEO - Green Future Consulting S.L
  • Juan Jose Vázquez. Agribusiness General Manager AMERICA & KAM Biorizon Biotech
  • Jose Antonio Pérez.  Cover Manager 

Closing Ceremony

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